Friday, January 28, 2011

Chapter 3: Mr.Selva Ganesh

I met Mr.Selva Ganesh in the first day campus tour. While we were wandering inside the CAD lab, two professors joined there for our guidance. Mr.Rajkumar and Mr.Selva Ganesh.
Mr.RajKumar introduced himself and to Selva Ganesh.

This is the recent and only photograph of Mr.Selva ganesh, which I was able to collect.

" Your regular class starts tomorrow. I'm prof. Raj Kumar, class teacher for Mechanical 'A' Section and he's prof.Selva Ganesh class teacher for Mechanical 'B'."
I still remember his first sentence.
" For these many years, you people could've followed some other crappy rules. But here Selva Ganesh has some set of unique rules and regulations and each and every one should follow it."
I was so scared to look at his sharp eyes. At that very moment I prayed
" Please God, Please don't ever make me sit in Mech'B' tomorrow. Please "


I was sitting in the class of Mech 'B' with a terrorized look in my eyes and with some uncomfortable feeling inside. The feeling raised to its peak when Selva Ganesh walked into the class.

" I know that many of you don't like engineering here and even some of you might have interest and passion in some other field. Let me say one thing 'Its never too late'. The most easy thing to get in this world is success. You've to put only two inputs 'Hard work and Immense interest'. Remember the words ' Never too late '. But another most important thing, ' Enjoy everything you do, including BE ' Coming to the point, I'm your Engineering Graphics teacher "

Those words got struck in my heart. Life in Chennai and my undergraduate took a big turn there. Life took a race from there, months passed and I was having a smooth fast life. I learned to flirt with girls, I got a new DVD player, new set of friends to wander around Chennai. After all the curse talk I did, Chennai'd been very nice to me as it showed the way to my dream in the form of 'SATHYA BAZAAR'.

The place has whole collection of all the DVD's from around the world. When I found this place, I had the same feeling which Columbus had when he thought that he had found India. That place introduced me to the real cinema, rather than introducing me to movies. That is the place where I actually found the difference between a movie and cinema. I got acquainted with many friends such as 'Life is Beautiful', 'Bicycle thief', 'White Balloon' etc. I saved Rs.60 every week and would buy 2 DVD'S at the weekend. This same routine continued for a long time. After watching each and every movie I'd speak to myself 'Film Making is my path, my goal, my dream, my everything' and I confirmed it after watching Majid Majidi's masterpiece 'CHILDREN OF HEAVENS'. I was doing well in my academics too, so my father was never concerned about me, watching lots of films. I learned a lot. By the end of second year, I got unlimited internet connection which opened more gates. I learned to write scripts, to design story boards. I watched lots of behind the scenes and making of films. By the beginning of third year, I learned to make my own short movie. Not only that! Internet sowed an additional interest in my heart, more like a bonus. That is TRAVEL and CULTURES!!!

1 comment:

siddarth said...

Hey he has done something for everyone of us da. Thanks for writing abt him.:D:D

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