Friday, January 28, 2011

Chapter 2: Big Whale Metropolitan

I guess the pilot episode was not a successful one. But 'who cares'? I'm gonna write it anyway. Okay! Lets begin from the place where we left. I was all set to move to Chennai. The big whale like metropolitan.

Finally the day I've been fearing the most came in a very bitter way. The day started with a big fight in an argument disguise between me and my dad. I regret it now. I should've never talked about joining Visual communication again at that time. The moving truck arrived and all things including my 'SUPER MARIO BROS. VIDEO GAME' were neatly packed and wrapped up inside the medium sized container of the truck. Mom and dad decided to take the bike and I got into the truck with all the other goods. The truck started to move as I was staring my house through the open container and the distance kept on increasing. The truck passed over all of the places which I cherished from my childhood. The canal, bare grass fields, small hill, the church chimes, my school, my friends ... everything, every single thing moved backwards and as I crossed the border of my small pretty town, tears rolled down my cheeks and the town got out of my sight. The truck raced in a high speed at once it crossed the town. We passed many county towns and after two bumpy hours, I finally saw the board ' CHENNAI WELCOMES YOU '. Have you ever seen a true sarcastic laugh ? If not, just get a glimpse of that board. After some, half'n' hour we reached a very rich and busy area called 'K.K.Nagar'. I got the address from my dad and when we reached the place my mom and dad were already waiting for us. The very next second after I got down, my dad said " Take a good glimpse son, this is the house in which you're gonna live for the next four years !!!" It felt like my worst nightmare came true. It was a two story building which had four houses split into portions. I knocked the house owner's door while my mom and dad was helping our truck driver to carry things. Exactly after three knocks the door was opened by a girl. I didn't expect that the door would be opened by a 18 year old girl wearing blue colored T-Shirt and shorts. I got a well justified shock which is very usual for a small town boy when he meets a typical city girl.
" Yeah ? "
" ...... "
" What do you want? "
" ...... "
" Ah, got it! You're the new tenants dad was talking about? "
She must've figured that by the truck and my look. " Come in please "
" Hmmm ... I should be helping my dad " I left the place as soon as I finished saying this. After four long hours we were so tired as the house looked good with all the things in its right place. Dad payed the driver and the house was all set. I climbed the stairs to take a look at the terrace. As I said, I was and I am a loner, so I spend all my free time in terrace thinking and staring the sky. But, a big shock was awaiting as I climbed the stairs. I finally reached the terrace to find that there were around ten to fifteen adults, sitting and talking and fifteen to twenty kids, shouting and playing. I also found that each and every terrace in that street were connected and it looked like big giant ARENA !!!.
" This is nothing like I've seen before " I let out a long sigh. ' This is just not my thing ' I thought. But then I didn't know that my life was about to take some series of big twists and turns within that four years. The next week was so hectic as
some engineering colleges got short listed for my 78% ( 12th percentage ) in Anna University Counselling. My dad selected MECHANICAL ENGINEERING in RAJALAKSHMI ENGINEERING COLLEGE !!!

My dad decided my fate for the next four years. Nothing interested me as everything was going on way ahead of me. After paying my fees in the administrative office my mom celebrated the moment by giving sweets to all the houses in that building. At that very same evening I met the girl downstairs.
" Hey, want Kit Kat ??? "
" Wh ... What? Why? "
" I got selected in MIT ( Madras Institute of Technology ) to do my engineering "
" Well ... good for you " I said and left the place. But later I was awed when I read the book " THE WINGS OF FIRE " by Dr.Abdul Kalam. Because Dr.Abdul Kalam studied his physics degree in MIT!!!
Months passed as I raced towards my first day of my college. Those were the days where I begin to understand the life in Chennai and its complicatedness. I was not excited but I really didn't know how to react. Finally the big day arrived. I got ready for my first day out of the four years. RAJALAKSHMI ENGINEERING COLLEGE is situated in the banks of Chembarambakkam lake which is a remote place.

Actually I really loved the place as it was so quiet and natural. At first they made all the first year engineering students to assemble in the auditorium to hear a ' Most boring speech I've ever had ' session. Then they took us to a college campus tour and that's where I met Mr.Selva Ganesh !!!

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