Thursday, November 10, 2011 6 comments

Chapter 20: Birthday Adventures !!!

It's been a long time since I wrote a post in this blog. That's because nothing happened in my life. Absolutely nothing!!! Not even a single exciting thing, until the midnight of November 07 (My Birthday!!!). That day started with an unexpected birthday call from a beloved friend of mine at 11:55 PM.

She asked "What's your birthday plan?"
"Well, I don't have any plans, as of now. But I have to pick up my friend from the bus terminus. He's coming from Bangalore."
"Now?? ... It's so late"
"Yeah, I told him to start at night so that he could reach here by day. (sigh) It's okay, I better start now."
I swear I haven't had the faintest idea about the turn that night was about to take. I should have stayed at home.


- Coyambedu Bus Terminus -
- 12:45 AM -

After a search of good fifteen minutes, I got a glimpse of his weirdest yellow and red bag. I called out his nickname and he suddenly recognized my voice and within ten minutes time I was driving my bike in an average of 70 kmph while he was swearing at the top of his voice about his girlfriend with whom he broke up before two days. That night was so peaceful with gentle breeze accompanied by a light drizzle. I stopped the bike for a red signal. Just a moment before it turned to green, we heard a voice, a voice so commanding "Stop there guys!!!"
We turned to see a sincere traffic police standing in the middle of an empty road waiting for us.

"Okay, take out your license, insurance and RC Book" the same commanding voice.
I suddenly realized that I didn't have any of the above mentioned papers.
"Sir, I left my license at home …” I stammered.
“Okay, take out your RC book”
“Sir, I left my RC book at home”
His face was not the same again.
“Show the insurance papers”
“Sir, I left my … “
“What the??? !!! You should’ve stayed at home then!” He continued
“Without holding license, insurance and RC book, sums up to Rs.2500”
“What the!!!??? … I’m afraid I haven’t got that much”
“I’m afraid you both have to come to the station with me … It’s just opposite to that water tank.”
“Sir please … we’re in a hurry”
“No can do sir!”

My friend was so silent while the above conversation took place. I seriously don’t know what struck him, but suddenly he opened his mouth to say “Chennai Sucks!!!”

That statement led us to the following situation.

- Ashok Nagar Police Station -
- 1:30 AM -

I didn’t know that a police station at the midnight would look so lively. There was a constant ‘buzz’ sound from the tube light and the place was super busy, almost everyone was occupied with something, even the people inside bars. We slowly approached the officer who brought us there.

“Excuse me sir, we have no balance credit in our cell, can we use your phone?” I’m sure he was irritated.
“Nnnnope” he stressed too much on that ‘n’.
“What shall we do now?” my friend asked.
“I’m thinking … “

I had no balance credit on my cell phone to make a call and my friend had negative credit. I thought if we stand there for some time, may be that officer would let us go.

- Ashok Nagar Police Station -
- 2:30 AM -

We were still standing at the same place where I thought about leaving. He acted as if we were not there. But suddenly, a miracle happened (I thought it was a miracle!!!) I heard my cell ring. I seriously hoped that it should be one of my friends so that I could ask for a favor. But my hopes shattered when I saw the number, an international number!!! I picked up the call …

“Happy birthday dude!!! This is Rags dude”

Rags (aka) Raghunathan is my school mate. He lives in New Jersey, United States. I was happy that he called to wish for my birthday, but I was in no mood to appreciate that. (Sorry Rags!!! Thanks a lot for your wishes).

“Hello Rags, thanks for the wishes”
“What’s your plans for tomorrow? How are mom and dad? How’s India?” he built his questions.
The police officer was approaching us.
“India is fine Raghu, listen! am sorry, I’ll call you back, am not in the situation to talk with you right now. Thanks for your wishes man”
“No problem, cool man … bye, enjoy the day”

By the time I disconnected, the officer reached us and asked me “Who’s on the line?”
My friend replied “His friend from United States sir, wishing him a happy birthday”
“Oh, it’s your birthday??”
“Yes sir”
“So, what have you decided? gonna pay the amount?”
“I don’t have that amount sir”
“What about your friend?”
“No sir, if he had any amount, he would have given it.”
My friend interrupted again “Hey, as a matter of fact, I do have the amount!”
“What!!!???” it’s me.
“What!!!???” it’s that police officer.
“I thought you would let us go in a few minutes. But you are one strict officer!” I didn’t expect that answer. I was watching the police officer’s face change. He was totally annoyed.
“I apologize for him, am so sorry sir, I swear he didn’t mean that.”
“Just give the damn money and go.” he had a straight face.

My friend took the money out of his wallet and gave it to him. In turn he gave my key back. We were stepping out of the station and I heard the officer’s voice again. He was pointing at my friend.
“Hey you, I shouldn’t see your face anywhere, again!”
“Okay sir” he replied in a polite manner and the moment when I started my bike he shouted
“I’m from Bangalore, you won’t see me anymore!!!” I hope he didn’t hear that as the rain started to pour heavily. I didn’t say a word to him while driving. He thought I was annoyed about the incident happened. But something bothered me more. My bike started to make squeaky noises which usually mean that it’s going to stop. The road was empty and the rain was merciless. The sound of the thunder and frequent lighting made that night, a weird one.


We were walking and in addition to that I was pushing my bike along. It seemed that the rain won’t stop till morning. My friend was constantly yapping about the police station incident. Fortunately I couldn’t hear him properly in that sound of the heavy rain. I tried the self-start button and it didn’t work. I tried kick starting, but I got the same result. In a distance, we saw a closed road side juice shop and decided to take a shelter. I was surprised to see a man standing there.

He seemed to be in his late thirties with a receding hairline. He was dressed in his formals. He was wearing specs. To sum it all up, he was a typical Indian middle aged working class man. The three of us stood there without saying a single word, hearing the rain. Finally that stranger broke the silence.

“Hey guys, I know this is weird, but … can I get a ride?”
“We’re already two and the bike got its own problem. So … I guess no.” I replied.
“Who cares if we do a ‘triples’ ride in this night?”
“Actually, I do. We just got out of the police station. I don’t even have the necessary papers.”
“My house is just near Ashok Nagar bus stop. I can’t walk now. Even the share auto won’t be available now. So please … “
“But my bike???”
“If I successfully start your bike, then you’ll have to drop me. Deal?”
“Yeah deal!” my friend replied again.

- Ambedkar Road -
- 3:00 AM -

I seriously didn’t think that I would actually sit behind and let a stranger drive my bike on a rainy midnight. (Actually, it was early morning!!!) It’s important to note that it’s a triples ride and no need to say that he started my bike in a single kick. The stranger started a conversation again. My friend was silently sitting in between us. He shouted every time when he asked a question as the sound of the rain was so huge.
“So, are you a student?” he shouted.
“No … I finished my Bachelors” I shouted again.
“Good for you. I’m working in ‘Indian Bank.’ I have two cute kids. My wife would be waiting for me” He shouted again.
“Listen! I can’t shout again, my throat’s bugging me. So … “ I shouted for the last time.
“Okay, I understand. I’m sorry … So what did you do in your Bachelors.”
I didn’t reply.
A few minutes later, he dropped himself at his home and bid a reluctant goodbye with lot of thanks’.

- My House -
-3:45 AM -

I dropped my friend at his cousins’ and at last I reached home. I took a hot bath and it was almost 4:00 AM. I was lying in the bed looking out of my bedroom window. I thought about all the incidents happened. I have to admit, it was exciting. Not every day, I could come across such incidents, such exciting and thrilling incidents. I then thought about writing this post and before I know, I was fast asleep. The next day, I woke up with a birthday wish from my college mate. I looked out of my window again. The sun was shining brightly, the sky was so clear. The day swallowed up the heavy rain and the sun looked at me as if nothing happened in the previous night. I have one word which sums up everything that happened the previous night.
