Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chapter 5: Love, Break up and Film making

I didn't know that my life's gonna take a big turn, the turn which opened the door to quench my thirst, the thirst of film making and travelling !!!
It was a bright sunny day, The Re-opening day. I must say that my third year started in a pleasant manner. Lots of good and equally bad things happened to me. Actually my third year paved a way for understanding life to its fullest.


I saw the real faces of people, people like us, some were so nice by heart, some were so pretty, some wore masks, some were selfish, some were greedy, some betrayed. There's nothing wrong in saying that third year brought out the man in me. As I said earlier, by that time I learned to make my own short movies. I began to understand the trick of bringing life to a script through my first short movie THE SYNC. I shot the movie with a Digi cam. My friend Judin samsun helped me by holding the cameras and planning the shots and Vignesh Ramesh brought out his acting talent. I must say Vignesh is a born actor (No Sarcasm). We worked hard and finished that 10 min movie within 24 hours. I won't say that it's a good movie. But I tasted the happiness in bringing my first script to screen. Every aspiring film maker might say this 'Once you brought your first script to screen, nevertheless how bad it is, you just can't stop.' As said, I didn't stop there. I decided my screen name then, which is also my Facebook profile name 'KARTHICK SAMPATH'. I've to mention here that Karthick is my nick name and Sudharshan is my official. "What stands out in that name?" one might ask, my reply would be "The 'C' stands out" Yeah! Normally the spelling of my nick name goes like this 'KARTHIK'. But my name is 'KARTHICK'. That extra 'C' made my name unique. Try googling Karthick Sampath, you would get all the links of my blogs and short films. Following SYNC, I made four more short films till now. THEDAL, FEVER ABDUCTION, THE KNOT, THE HORRENT.

I'd proudly accept that all these five films are nothing but crap. But it made me understand a bit about film making. I don't care that am making crap movies now. I'd be keep on making Crap movies and BOOM!!! One day ... am sure one day I'd be making great ones.

Not only films, third year had an other 'horrible truth' cutlet inside a 'pleasant surprise' burger for me called 'LOVE'. Love is the magic word which made even the famous and strong writers to blabber. Oscar Wilde says
"When one is in love, one always begins by deceiving oneself, and one always ends by deceiving others. That is what the world calls a romance."
Diana Arbus says
"Love involves a peculiar unfathomable combination of understanding and misunderstanding."
But I say
"There's one such thing called 'TRUE LOVE'. But no one could find it, it's in a heavenly place"

But I once thought that I had found it. It was a mesmerizing and heavenly feeling. I floated in the thin air, I felt weightlessness, I felt that I was in the top of the world. But sadly, my true love lasted only for a year. That one year, was a special one, it brought out all my life's love, it was like a beautiful spring season with fresh flowers and blossoms. Each and every human should experience it. But don't expect it to last longer. It won't. It happened in a rainy day.

" I can't meet you hereafter ... Take care"
She gave a gentle kiss and whispered "Good Bye forever"
I can't forget that day. I felt so alone and dejected. I was drenched by rain. It was so late at night. The traffic was so low. The magnificent city was half asleep. I heard the rumblings of rain. The sky was full of thunders and lighting. The lane was so empty as I walked in it aimlessly. Usually I like to walk in rain. That day, it felt like the rain is my only company. Once Charlie Chaplin expressed the same feeling by saying "I like walking in the rain, so no one can see me crying". But later I learnt that even the break up is a best teacher as it taught me a most valuable lesson.
"Never expect anything from anyone ... Nothing's permanent"
Soon I found that it had a hidden message "Time Heals ..."

1 comment:

siddarth said...

This part i like the most da. its good tat u made negative things postive in your life.:)Happy for u...:D:D:D

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